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With Inflation Poised To Slow the Economy, Is Now Time To Sell A Practice?

Jan 23, 2022 7:42:00 AM / by Everything DSO posted in DSO, Sell Your Dental Practice


Boomers chillingly refer to the Carter Administration (’77 - ’81) as the 20-20-20 years.

20% unemployment. 20% interest rate. 20% inflation.

It was the time of mullets, bell-bottom jeans, big hair, product shortages and lines at gas stations. Like me, ageing politicians and grey-haired bankers still carry the emotional scars of that era and it’s why we’re alarmed at what we’re seeing happening now in our economy.

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When Is It Time To Sell Your Dental Practice?

Jan 13, 2022 8:32:00 AM / by Everything DSO posted in DSO, Sell Your Dental Practice


How do you know when to sell? It's always a question that a lot of practice owners contend with.

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 Stan Kinder

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