You won’t practice dentistry forever. And, the decisions you make, or fail to make, today, will have a HUGE impact on your future.
Sep 30, 2022 8:15:00 AM / by Everything DSO posted in DSO, Evaluate Your Practice
You Need To Know
Aug 19, 2022 7:35:00 AM / by Everything DSO posted in Evaluate Your Practice
Are you one of the many doctors who have no clear idea of what their practice is worth today?
Or, no idea of the kind of rewarding purchase agreements, and flexible post-sale employment agreements that can be designed to meet your dream outcome.
These agreements can be so tempting, many doctors who never imagined that they could bank millions of dollars –
AT THIS STAGE OF THEIR CAREER – are doing exactly that.
Does More DIY Services Mean That It Is Time To Sell?
Jul 10, 2022 8:15:00 AM / by Everything DSO posted in DSO, Evaluate Your Practice
The travel agency model has been slammed as consumers flock to websites like Expedia, and Trivago. And it's logical to wonder if dental offices will suffer the same fate.
Obviously, there are still travel agents and for the most part, they still serve customers that want the reassurance of going to an agent that has actually visited a particular area or resort. And also obviously, there are going to be procedures that must be performed by a dental specialist in an operator. But perhaps now is the time to have a fresh set of eyes look at your practice and evaluate the threats that you may not see. Specifically: