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Is it money before patients?

Nov 15, 2022 3:27:06 PM / by Everything DSO

I hear this all the time …

DSOs are only interested in money, not your patients.

And if you go with a DSO your patient care will suffer in the name of their financial priorities.

And while there have been some concerns about DSOs in the Medicaid space (contact me to make sure you get in front of the right DSOs), this concept has been easily refuted.

First off, most DSOs have will-established compliance and Quality Assurance programs.

These often include peer review of the clinical practice and review of the performance of the individual practitioners.

Why would the DSOs do this?

It’s simple.

Their investment is in YOU and your practice.

They buy your business because they like you and the way you do things.

So it is actually in their financial interest to make sure you can keep doing what you do to the best of your ability.

So they actually invest in programs which make sure that keeps happening, and that your patients continue to receive the best care they possibly can.

The other side of the coin reveals more …

Because there certainly are financial incentives for DSOs to reach for, but those incentives exist for private practice dentists as well.

Interestingly, because of the involvement of private equity capital in DSOs, the requirements for quality management programs mean LESS risk of money taking precedent over patients.

Everything DSO

Written by Everything DSO

 Stan Kinder

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