Our Blog - Everything DSO

The biggest value is NOT the money

Nov 15, 2022 4:10:12 PM / by Everything DSO

I hinted at this in a previous email …

One of the most enticing reasons I see dentists choose to sell their practice to a DSO has NOTHING to do with money.

It has everything to do with how they want to live their life.

In my forty-plus years of working with dentists, I have yet to meet one who said they wished they could spend more time paying the bills, dealing with staff issues, and the myriad of other business tasks that come with practice ownership.

Because aside from the money you can achieve in a DSO sale …

What you ultimately receive is the business-running support of a well-oiled business machine.

The good DSOs support and run many aspects of the business FOR the dentist, so all they have to concern themselves with is clinical practice …

Those things include

- Finance and accounting
- IT
- HR, Recruiting, and Staff Development
- Compliance, Quality Assurance, & Risk Management
- Credentialing
- Marketing and Practice Growth
- Procurement
- Insurance Fee Negotiations
- Facility Management and Lease Negotiation

What is a better work-life balance worth to you?

Everything DSO

Written by Everything DSO

 Stan Kinder

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