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They don’t need banks to buy your business

Nov 16, 2022 10:43:54 AM / by Everything DSO

In a previous email, I talked a little bit about how your practice would likely be valued in a dentist-to-dentist transaction …

Where the bank’s capacity to loan is the limiting factor in valuation.

So let’s look at the other primary driver of practice value, especially when a DSO is driving the transaction …

Private equity!

You see, DSOs don’t need banks.

They have virtually unlimited capital to buy good practices and are incentivized to do so, as their job is to provide a return to their investors.

So, private equity investors in DSOs look at acquiring a dental practice like tey would look at buying a manufacturing business, or a distribution business … or really any business - as an ongoing enterprise.

The way a DSO with private equity backing would approach valuation of YOUR practice …

Is a Multiple-of-Profit Valuable Model.

It’s too much to into depth in this email …

But the short explanation is that your profit is measured as adjusted EBITDA, or “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.”

This ultimately is a measure of free cash flow that your business generates.

DSO buyers will pay a multiple of that ultimate number.

So in a DSO buy, its not uncommon to see values of 100-150% of your topline revenue …

As opposed to the 60-80% that a typical dentist-to-dentist sale will see.

See why a DSO is such a great choice?


Everything DSO

Written by Everything DSO

 Stan Kinder

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