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Your DSO Deal Journey (Needed Link)

Nov 16, 2022 3:28:25 PM / by Everything DSO

If you’re still considering a DSO, I’d like to take you through what your path to a deal can look like.

If you’d like to read this more in depth, I recommend my book “Everything DSO” - {link}

(Or just schedule a call with me and I’ll walk you through based on your situation)

How you got HERE is likely because of one of three events …

You, as an owner dentist, have decided to explore a transition in your career/business/life and a DSO sounded like a good possibility to get what you want.

You were referred by a colleague who has had a great experience with a DSO.

Or possibly a DSO reached out to you directly.

Whatever your start, here’s how the process typically goes.

1 - Initial Exploratory Conversation

This is pretty straightforward, but it’s where both you and the DSO get a chance to learn about each other and figure out if what you desire aligns with what they can provide.

In short - is it a good fit?

2 - Non Disclosure Agreement

Before continuing, you and the DSO will both sign an NDA to protect both of you during the process, as you exchange and go over valuable information.

3 - Initial Data Submission.

This is where you provide as much data as the DSO requests.

4 - Formal Letter of Intent (LOI)

This is where, after going through all the data, the DSO decides that yes they’d like to buy your practice, so they provide you with a formal letter including an offer.

(You aren’t committed yet, and neither are they)

5 - Quality of Earnings Analysis and Detailed Due Diligence

This is where the DSO probes every nook and cranny to determine that the numbers you provided were indeed correct and that everything is as they expected.

6 - Final Pricing and Buyer Decision

At this point the DSO finalizes their offer. Depending on what they discover in the previous step, this usually won’t differ from the LOI.

7 - Negotiation and Preparation of Final Legal Documents

This is where you have a good lawyer make sure everything is in order for you. Don’t skimp on a good attorney (I have a lot to say about this, ask me).

8 - Closing and Transfer of Funds

With all said and done, the transaction is completed and depending on the details of your deal structure you’ll receive whatever funds you are entitled to immediately.

Everything DSO

Written by Everything DSO

 Stan Kinder

Which of these 4 DSO Strategies is best for YOU and Your Dental Practice?

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